About a year or so ago I
thought I would try and use the two
Millen modules I had acquired many
years ago with the 90881 500-watt RF
deck and build a medium power James
Millen Transmitter.
Well with a little bit of
eBay surfing I was able to find the
90881 RF deck, a pristine 90800 RF
exciter with 80m to 10m worth of
plug-in coils and the rather rare
90831 speech amplifier/modulator from
Dale Braun WD9GWH. I already had
collected the 90905 5” scope and 90700
Vari-arm VFO while I lived in
Next, I found the
documentation with the earlier James
Millen modules to be a bit lacking in
completeness. It took a while to
figure out just how to use the exciter
for example and even though the
documentation for the RF deck was
better, they didn’t address plate
modulation or how to change the link
for the different bands. The best
information I found was on the “James
Millen Society” web site. There I
found valuable information on Millen
module variations, how to get
schematics and a very nice write-up by
Don Buska, N9OO. His write-up is on
putting a complete 50-watt AM/CW
Millen transmitter on the air. See the
Millen web site for details,
The modules I collected
for my Millen station are:
- 90881 500W RF
deck w/812A’s in class C
- 90905 5”
rack mount monitor scope
- 90800
160m-10m, 50w 807 exciter to drive
RF deck
- 90831 40w
speech amp to drive Taylor TZ-40’s
or 811A’s in class B
- 90700
Vari-arm VFO
Once I had the modules I
needed, I started developing a list of
features, or capabilities I thought
would be nice in the finished product.
My design objectives were:
- A tabletop
transmitter vs. floor standing
- CW and Phone
operation from 160m to 10m.
- Because the
rig would use link-coupled coils, I
wanted to use a rack cabinet with
open back and sides for easy access.
- Each of the
Millen modules to be easily
removable from the rack by having
their electrical connections on
separate multi-pin plugs.
- The 1500v
supply and modulator to set on the
floor on wheels.
- I wanted to
be able to run the tabletop
transmitter with or without the
HV/modulator chassis connected.
- Shunt choke
plate modulation to remove DC
current flow from the modulation
transformers secondary.
- “Negative
cycle loading” to protect the mod
- High, low,
bias and filament voltages for the
exciter, speech amp, scope and VFO
are all part of the tabletop
transmitter power supply chassis.
- “Tune/Operate”
switching from the front panel to
reduce the PA’s high voltage in
- “CW/Phone”
switch on the 90831-speech amp to
control the CW & Phone operation
for the entire transmitter.
- Push-to-talk
(PTT) added to the 90831 to control
the rig on phone and have a “plate”
switch to use for CW.
- Add an
exciter grid current meter to the
front panel.
- Add power
modulator plate current meter to the
front panel.
- Add relay
contacts to control an external
antenna relay and receiver muting.
- Setup 5”
scope to display either an RF
envelope pattern or trapezoid
You can see from the
photo's (below), schematics
and the cable pin-out
list how I interconnected each
of the Millen modules with each other
and through the power supplies. The
schematic diagram indicate the cable
plug number and pin on the plug, P2/7,
is plug #2 pin #7. If you think you
see any mistakes or have any questions
please let me know via email, I’m sure
I missed something….
Once all of the wiring
issues were resolved, I was on the air
with 250 watts of clean RF and great
audio reports. In fact, the modulator
is capable of over modulating the
812A’s quite easily. So I tend to
watch the trapezoid as I talk making
sure I don’t push it too hard.
Remember I added K6AD’s negative cycle
loading circuit. Well I added it after
I noticed how easy it was to over
modulate the 812A’s. Even though the
NCL circuit isn’t designed to do more
than protect the mod iron I find it
keeps me from over modulating when
that periodic loud sound hits. Reports
on the air indicate smooth crisp audio
with no hints of distortion; looks
like Millen did a good job, a
testimony to the quality built into
each module.
Well I have to say, being
one of the first on the air with the
James Millen 500w RF deck, plate
modulated, is turning out to be more
fun than I anticipated. Many of the
“good fellows” belonging to the James
Millen Society are now very interested
in getting their Millen transmitters
operational and on the air…. Now the
next thing we need is a James Millen
net on 75 meters to flush out more of
those fine rigs….
I hope this article will
help others put their Millen rigs on
the air. I am including the
schematics, cable pin lists, pictures
and a short write-up on the project so
other James Millen aficionados can get
an idea for their own project. If you
have any questions please do not
hesitate to email
me. 73, Dennis.
FIGURE 1 - This shows
the completed James Millen 500w transmitter in
my shack connected up with a 1946 vintage
HRO-5RA1. The 90700 Vari-arm VFO is setting on
top of the HRO-5 speaker. In the photo, you
can see the two meters and the green and red
lights on the bottom panel of the transmitter;
that is the front panel of the power supply
for the tabletop portion of the transmitter.
The Millen modules, from top to bottom are the
90881-500w RF deck with 812A tubes running
class C. The 90905 5" scope to monitor the RF
envelop or trapezoid pattern. The 90800-50w
exciter with 6L6 and 807 and the 90831-speech
amp with 6146's in its output driving the
grids of the 811A's in class B in the power
FIGURE 2 - The high
voltage power supply and the power modulator.
View schematics of the power supply and
modulator here! The choke
to the right is in series with the HV to the
RF deck. The modulation iron is in the back at
the left on the other side of the 811A tubes.
The mod iron is capacitively coupled across
the choke to take the DC off the mod iron
secondary; a trick used in many broadcast
transmitters. You can see the interconnect
cables at the right of the chassis and the two
chokes and the HV transformer on the right
side of the chassis. The three relays near the
center are for Tune/operate, CW/Phone and
Plate ON/OFF control.
FIGURE 3 - The bottom
side of the HV supply and power modulator. I
chose to connect two smaller chassis vs. one
larger chassis due to the weight of all the
transformers. The trick worked pretty well but
I think a steel chassis would have been even
sturdier. The power supply filters are on the
right and the coupling cap for the modulation
is at the top with one of the CW/Phone relays
at top left. The small circuit board between
the relay and the capacitor is the negative
cycle loading circuit. In the lower right of
the chassis is the plate relay and at the top
right is the filament transformer for the
811A's or the TZ-40's. At this time, I'm using
811A's because with 1450 volts the zero signal
plate current is about 60ma. The zero signal
plate current with the TZ-40's is higher so I
would need to add about -9 volts of bias to
run those tubes correctly.
FIGURE 4 - Top view of
the high voltage power supply and power
modulator. To the left of the 811A's is the
mod iron and to the right of the tubes is the
25H modulation choke. The plate transformer is
center back, the swinging choke is back left,
and the smoothing choke is back right.
FIGURE 5 - Back of the
transmitter. The bottom chassis is the
homebrew supplies for the exciter, speech amp,
VFO, and AC power for the RF decks filament
supply. The bias supplies are located on this
FIGURE 6 - Notice the
multi-pin plugs; each one is for a different
Millen module. This way I can easily remove
one of the modules for repair. The two-120v
outlets in the foreground are switched from
the filament ON/OFF switch. One is for the
90905 scope and the other has an isolation
transformer for the 90700 VFO. The 90700 VFO
is an AC/DC design that doesn't like being
connected to a circuit with a ground fault
FIGURE 7 - Bottom view
of the low voltage supplies for the modules in
the tabletop transmitter. This supply includes
the 500v for the exciter and speech amp. The
240v for the speech amp and the three -45v
bias supplies for the RF deck, speech amp and
the exciter. The filament supply for the
speech amp and exciter is on this chassis as
is all of the switching circuits for the
entire transmitter; plate switch, filament
switch, tune/operate switch, exciter grid
current meter and modulation cathode current
meter. The CW/Phone switch is located on the
90831-speech amp and controls two relays on
the HV supply to switch the transmitter from
Phone to CW. Look at the schematics for